Saturday, April 4, 2009

Specialised Knowledge | Personal Experiences or Observations

Specialised Knowledge | Personal Experiences or Observations

The fourth step toward riches. Napoleon Hill; “There are two kinds of knowledge. One is general, the other specialised. General knowledge, no matter how great in quantity or variety it may be, is of but little use in the accumulation of money. Knowledge will not attract money, unless it is organised, and intelligently directed, through practical plans of action, to a definite end.”

So how does this affect us today in how we operate our businesses and go about our general lives?

For many of us here online, we are looking and working towards making a living on the internet. Most of us are in Network marketing/MLM, affiliate companies now as I write, some veterans, some brand new.

Napoleon wants us to understand that even though we are in business, our business is to make money; we don’t have to know all about the ins and outs of our business. Another way of putting it could be; Work on your business, not in your business.

For me this is the acknowledgement of not having to ‘know it all’, it is ok to say, “I don’t know – but I can find out for you”. By acknowledging first to ourselves, then to others, it makes what we do duplicatable, therefore as we build our businesses we are making it easier on ourselves because we are not giving a false picture.

Henry Ford had it so right, we need to take notice! The world then, before then, after then, today and the future find it hard to tolerate the ‘know it all’s’ of the world. We all know these people, we attend parties at friends, functions, business meetings where there’s usually at least one where we all groan ‘not him/her’ because whenever a topic of conversation is raised, any subject from the state of the nation to nuclear wars to the weather to giving birth, they know it all, they always have a story to tell about it, they have friends of friends – none of it is ever personalised to them.

Education in life is about applying our specialised knowledge appropriately. To work in a business, whether it is network marketing or in paid employment, the specialised knowledge we need apply; ‘I don’t know’ the answer, but I will find out.

We are always in situations that are new; new job, new business therefore it’s totally understandable that we won’t know the ‘lay of the land’. Our new company sells a multitude of pills, potions and lotions, we use our education by acknowledging we can’t possibly know about all the products the company has available for sale; by applying this knowledge in practice, business colleagues that have been in the company for years are very knowledgeable, will want to share their knowledge and will respect you for not being that ‘know it all’.

Being part of a Mastermind group, joining your team business weekly meetings, is a great place to start applying your knowledge, personal experiences and observations. Remember, all who are take part are well educated people, just like Henry Ford, all come from different walks of life, some we can relate to, some will be chalk and cheese, but it is turning and using the aray educated specialised knowledge of degrees, certificates, trades, life experiences and observations, age, maturity etc to all of our advantages – it makes us all so much more knowledgeable.

Napoleon’s last paragraph challenges us to have our “IDEA – specialised knowledge may be found just around the corner – any corner” – our mastermind group is part of my ‘specialised knowledge’.

Thank you again
Julie McClelland


As Featured On EzineArticles


Anne said...

I find when I enter a new industry, I tend to learn a lot about it. Don't get me wrong, I am the queen of "let me look into it and I will get back to you," but I do try to learn as much as I can.

Melissa said...

I do not know a thing about MLM. I do try to learn as much as I can, when starting a new project, though.

James Berryman said...

I couldn't have said it better. Great post. Has for the other comments, they just don't get it, there is no try just DO!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for a wonderful message my friend. I know that by masterminding with you ,and others that promote education and training in this industry, my business has grown by leaps and bounds. Thank you again for being there.

Your friend,

Leroy Whitekiller

Betty said...

Well written and another step of information for anyone wanting to evaluate a business before they join.


Jan said...

I learn a lot from your article. This is a big help for anyone who are interested in MLM. thanks!!

Eddie Garcia said...

Hey Julie,

I do believe we need to have knowledge of what we are trying to promote, but if we are able to point people in the direction to acquire most of the knowledge w/o having to store most of it in our heads, then I say "well done." Being a good pointer is just as important as having the knowledge. I have never been afraid to tell anyone "I don't know, but I will find out." They seem to appreciate the honesty. Who likes a know-it-all anyways? Thank you for the super info!

Friends 4 Life!

Pinay Freelancer said...

I like when you say work on your business and not in your biz. :) That also works in blogging, there are some things that you can delegate to others but there are also non-negotiables that only you as a blogger should accomplish. :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)